HOW TO CLEAN A BONG In 5 EASY STEPS (And how to keep a bong clean in one easy step)

Nobody likes a dirty bong, I mean nobody. Don’t ruin a session with some fine herb or dabs by running it through a filthy bong or rig that looks and smells like it belongs in the tool shed next to the roofing supplies.

In this handy guide we’ll show you how to clean a bong in 5 easy steps. As an added bonus we’re even going to let you in on a little secret that will make it so you’ll never have to follow the steps in this guide again. Ever! Read on friends and fine people!

How to Clean A Bong



You’re going to want to be ready for the task at hand. This means gathering all your supplies for cleaning your bong before you start.

Here’s what you’ll need:

A sink with running water. (Clean your bong before you take it camping)

Salt or Rice. The salt and rice acts as a mild abrasive, which scrubs the inside of your bong-more on this later.

Isopropyl alcohol the higher concentration the better we like 91%. We’ve heard of people recommend using acetone. Please do not use this powerful solvent in your smoking pipe. Not only is it detrimental to your health it also terrible for the environment especially if poured down the drain. Please do not do this!!!!

A few small hand towels to cover the larger openings of the bong.
A few cotton balls for the smaller openings.

Other helpful items include: Bottle brushes, wire hanger, Q-tips and chopsticks


Take your bong apart and rinse it with hot water. You’ll want to take it apart so each of the parts can be cleaned independently. We prefer using hot water but please take care not to make the water so hot as to burn yourself and drop your glass. Can’t tell you how many pieces we’ve collectively broken this way.


Depending upon the size of your bong pour some alcohol into each of the openings. Our office bong (so awesome that we have an office bong; right?) holds about 4 OZ of water so we would add roughly that amount of isopropyl alcohol. Now add your salt or rice. A handful usually does the trick. Again all depends on the size of your piece. A small bubbler would require maybe a teaspoon while a giant beaker bong may need as much as a cup of salt or rice.

STEP 4: Block the mouthpiece and stem openings with the towels, cotton balls, or your hands and vigorously shake your bong like there is no tomorrow.

To clean your bowl pieces and down-stems just toss them into separate ziplock plastic bags and add the alcohol and salt that was left over from the bong and shake away again.


Now it’s time to rinse! Give your bong several good rinses with hot water to make sure there is no more alcohol fumes.

HOW TO CLEAN A BONG BONUS SECTION (The secret that will save you this major hassle in the future):

Piece Water
Now that your bong is nice and clean all you need to do is add some Piece Water to your cherished piece.You will never have to clean it again. Piece Water will keep your bong, rig, or bubbler clean while you smoke and eliminate the hassle of cleaning it-And God forbid breaking it. Piece Water is 100% all natural and non-toxic. When you are ready to change your bong’s piece water simply rinse your pipe with tap water and it will be clean! In addition, Piece Water acts as a filter of particulate matter, which may make for a healthier smoke. You can purchase your Piece Water here.

Piece Water One Bottle  Piece Water


With the legalization of marijuana in the United States (23 states now have legalized the plant in some form) its detractors argue that the number of deaths from marijuana overdoses would be on the rise as well. 

Clearly this is not the case as there have been a big fat zero, not one death from marijuana overdoses this year or last according to the data released by the CDC. Contrarily, 25,760 people died from overdosing on prescription drugs according to the CDC figures.

National Overdoses CDC Marijuana Overdoses
Source: CDC

While marijuana overdoses are non existent, overdoses from prescription opioids rose to the point that the CDC described the levels as “epidemic.”

“More persons died from drug overdoses in the United States in 2014 than during any previous year on record,” the CDC reported earlier this month.

And Alcohol, the most readily available intoxicant, has killed more Americans than any other abused substance. 30,700 Americans died from alcohol-induced causes last year. The sad fact is this doesn’t even include alcohol-related deaths like drunk driving or accidents. The figure would be almost three times higher.

According a report in American Scientist, “alcohol is more lethal than many other commonly abused substances.” The report further puts the lethality of various substances in perspective:

Drinking a mere 10 times the normal amount of alcohol within 5 or 10 minutes can prove fatal, whereas smoking or eating marijuana might require something like 1,000 times the usual dose to cause death.

With the knowledge laid out above it’s absolutely absurd that there remains a prohibition on marijuana at the federal level. Yes  the fed has just recently lifted the ban on Medical Marijuana, it’s high time (pun intended) to end the prohibition entirely.

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Read more at the Source: Huffington Post.

Congress lifts the Federal Ban on Medical Marijuana

Well we knew it was going to happen, and happen it did indeed! Congress ends the Federal Ban on Medical Marijuana.

Deep inside the 1,603-page federal spending measure Congress added a provision that effectively ends the federal government’s prohibition on medical marijuana. 

This bans federal agents from policing its users or raiding dispensaries in any state or district where it is legal.

The spending plan, with the medical pot provision within it, became law when President Obama signed it last Friday. In states that had legalized medial marijuana, police could still prosecute for using or distributing medical marijuana because federal law trumps state law. This provision represents a massive turning point in the probation of marijuana.

Bill Piper, a lobbyist with the Drug Policy Alliance said: “The war on medical marijuana is over. Now the fight moves on to legalization of all marijuana.”

At present, thirty-two of the 50 states and the District of Columbia have already legalized some form of marijuana use, or its ingredients, for medication. For this reason, the new law “is a victory for so many,” says Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a Californian Republican and co-author of the provision. “This is […] the first time in decades that the federal government has curtailed its oppressive prohibition of marijuana.”

“The federal government should never get in between patients and their medicine,” said Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Oakland).

The benefits of cannabis are numerous, which is why the herb needs to be legally available in every state. Studies have shown that cannabis oil helps treat everything from glaucoma and multiple sclerosis to nerve and seizure disorders, and chronic pain. In addition, hemp is not only a nutritious food (hemp seed), the crop can be used to make clothes, building materials, and fuel – among other uses.

If you believe this news deserves to go viral, please share this article and comment your thoughts below!

Source: LA TIMES